The Clap

Sex Male
Level 80
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Last Login 30 March 2024 (21:56)
Status offline
Created 30 September 2023 (01:41)
Death List
12 March 2024 (14:53) Killed at level 81 by Dame Tu Char (soloed)
18 February 2024 (16:49) Killed at level 66 by Frost Dragon (soloed)
17 February 2024 (16:09) Killed at level 56 by Sieje Mak (unjustified) (soloed)
17 February 2024 (15:55) Killed at level 56 by Uraburka Awantura (unjustified) (soloed)
15 February 2024 (18:16) Killed at level 44 by Mummy
and by Vampire.
15 December 2023 (15:59) Killed at level 19 by Willy Wonka (unjustified) (soloed)
13 October 2023 (03:00) Killed at level 20 by Elgordo (unjustified) (soloed)

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