
Sex Male
Level 165
Vocation Elder Druid
Guild the Leader of Whatever
Last Login 14 April 2024 (02:19)
Status offline
Created 11 September 2023 (17:34)
Death List
23 March 2024 (04:05) Killed at level 163 by Nugzy
and by The Fish Man.
18 March 2024 (01:56) Killed at level 152 by Electrogeist
and by Electrospire.
17 March 2024 (00:21) Killed at level 154 by Froslass (soloed)
17 March 2024 (00:20) Killed at level 155 by Froslass (soloed)
15 March 2024 (17:41) Killed at level 144 by Archlich
and by Big Daddy.
15 March 2024 (00:03) Killed at level 138 by Martin Miller (soloed)
14 March 2024 (23:12) Killed at level 135 by Rynaw Ice (soloed)
14 March 2024 (20:46) Killed at level 132 by The Fish Man
and by Teinxoapalosperro.
24 December 2023 (23:07) Killed at level 132 by Dady (unjustified) (soloed)
24 December 2023 (22:31) Killed at level 133 by Lic Vinsz (soloed)

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