Classick Custom Hunting Spots!
Classick 7.4 has liberty bay, port hope, goroma, calassa, svargrond and all it's small isles around.
But here we will be updating the custom zones around the map:
Draco's - East Darama Desert [70+]

Mad Pumpkin's - Northwest Darashia [85+]

Hellfire Fighter's - Northwest Orc Fortress [100+]

Grim Reaper's - East Darama Desert [100+]

Hydra's - Northwest Ankrahmun [50+]

Mad Pumpkin's - East Darama Desert [80+]

Demons - Edron [75+]

Undead Dragons & Hellhounds - North Port [120+]

Hydra - Lost Port

Infernalist - Dark Cathedral [100+]
Levers & Crystal wand required

Serpent Spawn - Southeast Port Hope [80+]

Walls - Southeast Thais [100+]
Recommended with team.
Hydra, serpent spawn, giant spider, nightmare, plaguesmith, destroyer.

Dragons & DL's - North Darashia Lair [30-70+]