
Sex Male
Level 166
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Guild a Member of Comando Rokeado
Last Login 17 March 2024 (01:08)
Status offline
Created 08 November 2023 (19:04)
Death List
16 March 2024 (00:25) Killed at level 157 by Big Daddy (soloed)
14 March 2024 (23:56) Killed at level 158 by Vazz
and by Elgordo.
14 March 2024 (23:19) Killed at level 159 by Marii Uana
and by Big Daddy.
14 March 2024 (01:42) Killed at level 160 by Infernalist (soloed)
13 March 2024 (23:34) Killed at level 156 by Krokieto (unjustified) (soloed)
13 March 2024 (23:05) Killed at level 156 by Marii Uana (unjustified)
and by Big Daddy. (unjustified)
12 March 2024 (21:58) Killed at level 148 by Marii Uana
and by Crna Madjija.
11 March 2024 (19:14) Killed at level 135 by Atroxx (soloed)
10 March 2024 (20:54) Killed at level 129 by Frost Dragon
and by Vazz. (unjustified)
09 March 2024 (23:58) Killed at level 111 by Vazz (unjustified) (soloed)

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