
Sex Female
Level 83
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Last Login 10 May 2024 (22:53)
Status offline
Created 12 April 2024 (18:30)
Death List
10 May 2024 (22:53) Killed at level 83 by Knicks (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:53) Killed at level 84 by Hiskrass (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:52) Killed at level 85 by Knicks (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:52) Killed at level 86 by Sorc Hill (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:52) Killed at level 87 by King Bigly
and by Inma.
10 May 2024 (22:51) Killed at level 88 by Knicks
and by Inma.
10 May 2024 (22:51) Killed at level 89 by Sorc Hill (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:50) Killed at level 90 by Hiskrass (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:49) Killed at level 91 by Inma (soloed)
10 May 2024 (22:49) Killed at level 92 by Kommander (soloed)
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    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Sindulfa 21 Master Sorcerer 30 April 2024 (22:08) offline
    Sindulfo 21 Master Sorcerer 21 April 2024 (14:51) offline
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