
Sex Male
Level 91
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Last Login 23 April 2024 (06:26)
House Great Willow 2a, Ab'Dendriel
Status offline
Created 12 April 2024 (20:02)
Death List
23 April 2024 (06:26) Killed at level 91 by Luigi (soloed)
23 April 2024 (05:53) Killed at level 92 by Luigi (soloed)
20 April 2024 (07:52) Killed at level 93 by Mahoraga (soloed)
20 April 2024 (07:42) Killed at level 94 by Mahoraga (soloed)
20 April 2024 (07:40) Killed at level 95 by Mahoraga (soloed)
20 April 2024 (07:31) Killed at level 96 by Mahoraga
and by Max Elephant.
20 April 2024 (07:24) Killed at level 96 by Max Elephant
and by Mahoraga.
20 April 2024 (06:23) Killed at level 97 by Diaochan
and by Paralize Massakrew.
15 April 2024 (23:55) Killed at level 73 by Dragon (soloed)
15 April 2024 (17:46) Killed at level 66 by Dragon (soloed)
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